.to the end.

** Katrina,Here is your horoscopefor Sunday, April 30:
Spend some time with an old friend. It's easy to take certain connections for granted, especially when someone has been in your life for a long time. The stars say now is the time to reinforce that bond. **
So, yesterday. I went on a hike. With a good friend to me. She's been around for a long time. A I would say the bond is pretty well backed by complete understand and respect. I love her. She's effing fabulous. I'll give you an idea of why although you guys couldn't possibly know fully unless you knew her. (Who are you guys? Is anyone reading this?). There is a universe, or so they say. Anyways, In this universe is a whole lot of energy. Kate is 3/4 of that energy. No, really. She is. I don't mean the go out and run a marathon energy. She is the energy behind her rampant thoughts. All these things running through her head. She's probably most of the reason why I think they way I do. Not completely, but she has her finger in the hole.....hmmm. Anyways, Fighting for freedom. Thats what she's here for. Maybe, thats what we're all here for. She's lovable, intelligent, witty and out of this world. To an extremely brain melting degree. When the aliens dropped her off they told her to be the change she wanted....oops...maybe that was when she had a buffet dinner with gandhi.. ..... ...either way..she's working with a platter covered in mud and KY jelly and this lady is not dropping the plates. She has big green eyes with yellow around the pupils..I think this is a sign of the sun. Giving light to places most minds would dare not go. I go with her. Misery loves company. I'd like to bring her to your house. Show you all what a new person she is and watch you reinvent yourself after the inspiration leaves you begging for more. I'll keep kate around. Not because she inspires me, but because she gives me the thoughts I need to inspire myself.
Thank you kate.
Pints.laughs.lost, but who cares?
Katrina at 3:15 PM