ok, hi!
I think I have figured out why I don't sleep like I 'should'. I say should only because my sleep schedule does not coincide well with my active life. Sleeping like a normal person would surely improve fluidity of my practical life. Anywho, I wake up feeling like crap almost daily. I can't remember a morning that I woke up and felt like I was ready to go do anything. It takes getting up early to have enough coffee to move me. I have improved my bedtime habits. I do what I do and it has helped me sleep. Not when I want to but I'm working on that. I was thinking that by the time I wish I sleeping I am at my peak as far as go power goes. When I lay in bed I want to be running. I wonder if this is me wishing I had been running all day. I'd like to blame my general lag lately on my weight but I can't because I have been much further out of shape before and had more energy than ever before. I can still run around the track a few times without feeling like death is encompassing me (I proved this to myself last week, death did not ensue). So, I think now it is not a going to sleep issue( I will MAKE myself sleep early tonight, if it works I am the winner), it is a waking up issue. It is an issue of getting out of bed and GO GO GOING that way by the time I am ready for bed I will surely be able to sleep.So, I will be likely finding ways I haven't tried to increase my energy and also improving my memory. gingko biloba? maybe. Among other things.
(may not be relevant but I am sure this has something to do with my inability to speak. I know what I want to say but can't remember how to say it or exactly what it is im remembering that I would like to say----weird?)
I used to think I was pretty busy. Now I think I've managed these things fairly well and now I have free time again. So, many things I could fill up this time with. You can do a whole lot of nothing in an hour. I want to do a whole lot of something in an hour.
ok, bye.
Katrina at 6:50 PM