rogue? is that you inside me?
Ok. I dislike doctors appointments. I went to the doctors on friday for your regular yearly fingering and breast molestation. They had some toys. As usual they were cold. Now, the problem is not with the idea behind making sure my cells are 'normal'. I am down with that but really, wheres the touch? I'm not asking to get off in the office but shit does it always have to feel like you are drilling for oil against my cervix? It's a bad sign when they offer you a pad 'incase of bleeding'. I think doctors should go through some sort of touch exam. The worst part is that for the past 2 years I've had women residences. fresh out of uni and being mature women you would think that they know a nice touch eases the process. Im going to paint a picture here for you people. I know you girls can relate:Me, two women in white, 'can you bring your knees up as far as you can and just drop you legs please' (hahaha. CAN I!?), Ok, you may feel some pressure here, 'ow, I think you've pinched my skin', 'ahhh yes i see, sorry about that, you may bleed a bit there!', 'lovely'. Then they open you wider than the grand canyon and we wonder why we've created excersizes to keep that shit tight. I don't even think I can explain the breast exam besides the fact that I have two bruises and do they realize bruising can cause cancer. See, I just think the whole thing is bad and I really dislike it and unless they plan on cloning me with my cells I just don't see the point if I can't come out unscathed as is.
also, its kind of weird when they say 'well everything looks good down there!'. I just have no idea what a sick vagina looks like. Probably looks like a packed sinus cavity if theres a problem. Yes, Rogue and her touch of death took leave in my vagina and I bled like a bitch.
Maybe next year will be better.
Katrina at 1:54 PM