I like to blahhhhhhhhg.

I suppose there are two sides to every story. Two side to every coin. Two sides to every body. Everybody in between. Between two bodies. There is a story. I don't know if it lies. Or if it sits. Or if it just takes on two completely different compositions due to unrelative perspectives. Needed a memory I suppose. Something to drive both of them to believe again. It's amazing what you think you don't need before something comes along. Changes everything. Then it goes away. Then you cry. You thought it wasn't going to escape you. Why would it? You're a great person. With fantastic views. Why would anything want to leave you? Newsflash. Even your shit begs you to let it out. Flush me. Goodbye, cruel world. I'd rather swim with the fishes then suffocate with that other shit you joined us to last night at the mandarin. Crabcakes, wtf. Either way, that's my point. It's not you. It's your actions. Which, if you ask me, aren't necessarily you incarnate. You can change these things. Problem is, you never will if you don't see them. When you do, it will smack you so hard in the face you'll be begging for a brown paper bag to cover the damage. Only for a while though. Don't worry, i'll help you make it better, we'll paper mache it. This too will pass.
whats more? When something ends. People love to find someone to blame. A true warrior of hearts war would admit to foibles. Admit defeat. Find what they never knew they had in the first place, somewhere else. The most terrible part is, most of the time, squabbles begin and end with people fighting with themselves. Who are you angry with? Is it even anger? Are you hoping for more and not finding it? Why all these standards all of a sudden? The pursuit didn't seem half this bad, did it? No, because you think this person owes you something. The pursuit need be for happiness. Utter happiness. How are you going to kid yourself into thinking that you, a mixed bag of abrasive aggression, is going to add enough decency to someones life without seeming selfish in the end? You cannot hide behind a facade because the truth always prevails. Always. I don't care how long it takes. You know that thing...that you did...last summer...well yeah, they know and they are PISSED!
I don't mean to sound rude. These are only my thoughts on this. I think maybe you have another opinion. Whoever you are.
Between two bodies, there is a story. I don't know if it lies...
Katrina at 9:35 PM