

"Experience does not ever err, it is only your judgement thats errs in promising itself results which are not caused by your experiments."
Leonardo da vinci said that to me. Today. On the bus on my way home.
I went downtown and shopped around city lights a bit. I found a book, that I judged by its cover, it has a pretty picture of a world with a man sticking his head out what is the end of the world and peering into the unknown. It's called 'the discoverers: a history of mans search to know his world and himself'. I can't put it down except for now which is to tell you to pick it up. Its by daniel j. boorstin. I have no idea who he is. Probably lives in kuwait. who knows. He sums the book up as 'the obstacles to discovery, the illusion of knowledge'. 716 pages of it. Interesting. The first part is on time. I don't know what it is about these books coming to me when im thinking about something. It's getting pretty cool though. The greatest part is all the facts he talks about. Such kind of underground tidbits of information. Off the beaten path. Alot about greeks, babylonians and egyptians history withe life. Which normally I wouldn't go for unless it's something the really piques my interest but this kind of history is the unboring kind (polar opposite of canadian history). Anyways, y'all can borrow it when I'm done. Sign up in the foyer.

I bought two books and I put one in my bag and started to read this one but when I went to grab my bus tickets there was a bee in the side pocket of my bag. Weird!
I have no idea how a bee got into my bag. I don't have anything against bees but i run from them. haha. Tragic story,stung twice in the same hour when I was like 6 or something. So, I dropped my bag and do the same run 10 feet away routine I always do when a bee enters my personal space(arms length for god sake, ARMS LENGTH!). There was a couple waiting for the bus too and they laughed at me. Like everyone always does. I wonder what that looks like from afar. I mean to someone who can't see the bee. Just me doing my bee dance in the middle of the sidewalk. It was worse because the bee must have thought himself a prisoner amongst the loose change in the pocket, he came out with a vengeance and followed me a bit. How many times bigger than a bee am I? Apparently not big enough. I cannot stare down the bee. They make me weak.

You do get more bees with honey though.

Katrina at 5:31 PM



"Experience does not ever err, it is only your judgement thats errs in promising itself results which are not caused by your experiments."
Leonardo da vinci said that to me. Today. On the bus on my way home.
I went downtown and shopped around city lights a bit. I found a book, that I judged by its cover, it has a pretty picture of a world with a man sticking his head out what is the end of the world and peering into the unknown. It's called 'the discoverers: a history of mans search to know his world and himself'. I can't put it down except for now which is to tell you to pick it up. Its by daniel j. boorstin. I have no idea who he is. Probably lives in kuwait. who knows. He sums the book up as 'the obstacles to discovery, the illusion of knowledge'. 716 pages of it. Interesting. The first part is on time. I don't know what it is about these books coming to me when im thinking about something. It's getting pretty cool though. The greatest part is all the facts he talks about. Such kind of underground tidbits of information. Off the beaten path. Alot about greeks, babylonians and egyptians history withe life. Which normally I wouldn't go for unless it's something the really piques my interest but this kind of history is the unboring kind (polar opposite of canadian history). Anyways, y'all can borrow it when I'm done. Sign up in the foyer.

I bought two books and I put one in my bag and started to read this one but when I went to grab my bus tickets there was a bee in the side pocket of my bag. Weird!
I have no idea how a bee got into my bag. I don't have anything against bees but i run from them. haha. Tragic story,stung twice in the same hour when I was like 6 or something. So, I dropped my bag and do the same run 10 feet away routine I always do when a bee enters my personal space(arms length for god sake, ARMS LENGTH!). There was a couple waiting for the bus too and they laughed at me. Like everyone always does. I wonder what that looks like from afar. I mean to someone who can't see the bee. Just me doing my bee dance in the middle of the sidewalk. It was worse because the bee must have thought himself a prisoner amongst the loose change in the pocket, he came out with a vengeance and followed me a bit. How many times bigger than a bee am I? Apparently not big enough. I cannot stare down the bee. They make me weak.

You do get more bees with honey though.

Katrina at 5:31 PM