picture this.
every once and a while, an image will pop into my head and I will be whisked away into another imaginary place. I mean I know it's imaginary but it's very real and it's of the future. It's been the same since I was young young young. It's a picture of what would be a nice place for me. It's not fancy by any means. Which even surprises me because when people think of their most ideal life situation normally its 'better' than what they have or some crazy shit like that. The nicest part is that I don't normally think about those things. When I get this image it's accompanied with the most wonderful emotions I could feel. I don't see whos there with me. I don't see anything really. It's always just been me, at night time, walking through a door in late fall, in a tall house that faces a street. Kind of makes me think of england. I don't know if thats ever going to happen. Or if its my sub conscious pushing something more ideal into the front row but I really hope that no matter where I go or where I am I can feel that way one day. It's not happening now thats for damn sure.I just don't know why this image has been bothering me for about 15 years nearly. I am curious where it's coming from.
Katrina at 4:01 PM