A taste of India
I went out with a friend for drinks and dinner tonight. Hilarity ensued. We were on topic so I asked him to mesh monkeys and lamp shades into a point relative to his existence. He did it. Really, really well might I add. The whole rant was extremely funny but the funniest part was his wisdom for life at the end. 'Humans are like monkeys because we want light but we cover it with a lamp shade'. It was the end because by that point I was laughing so hard I think half the people in the symposium left. On a different note: a taste of India is a really great restaurant.I was drab like the weather today, but like the rain I was consistent about it.
I think it was Harry Truman that said 'if you can't convince them confuse them'.
I also believe it was Diana Black who said 'a big ego is a shield for alot of empty space'.
Maynard said 'He had alot to say. He had alot of nothing to say. Well miss him.'
A paranoid is someone who knows little of whats going on.
Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.
and finally.
Witty sayings prove nothing.
and I have nothing to prove. Or do I?
Such a funny thing, really.
When you are insecure you tend to be perceived incorrectly. I wonder who's problem this is in that certain situation. Ones for being insecure, feeling incompetent and seemingly undeserving, or twos, for being pretentious, self-absorbed and numb in emotive areas. Two creates a shadow over one and one is far too dependent on that shadow. While, one is the perfect concave for for two, two is a nice convex for one. Although, constant friction of the rubbing when both lean into each other will only cause erosion. So, whats more?
I don't know thats as far as I got, then the phone rang. There must be more important things to do. Like, count magnets in other peoples kitchens from my bedroom window, play beer caps alone until I pass out or count the fibers in my carpet.
Pack, pack, packin' the bags. We all like packin' when we play with...
Someone sign me.
Katrina at 12:00 AM