will road trip for 20 pills of ecstasy...
the word is 'out' and I am wedged in the white corner wearing ivory....if ivory and white weren't two separate colours i would be inconspicuous completely. Oh, and the shit smear on my backside gives me away as well. Even if you wished completely to go unnoticed, you will shit yourself or sneeze into your elbow and sport a lugie all day. All depends on which toxin you decide to export from your soul that day. Someone will notice you.Even if to admire your scarf from afar.
I'm glad no one can read between the lines....or I'd seem crazy...or completely in love.
whatever crazy means (to be in love).
Oh! You guys remember that day when the sun when down so beautifully. It was winter time. We were clad in windjackets and thick pants. We sparked a joint on the hamilton escarpment with Jackie. There was a bench so we sat and talked about saving people. The kind of saving that you only talk about with other saviours. Never boastfully. Never mention who you saved. Or even mention the word save at all. You just speak your mind. Someone else listens. You both feel like a saviour. At the same time you feel saved. Saved in the sense that someone has a piece of you in their soul, should you ever forget that piece was there....You can always know someone else holds in a warm place. Like their heart...but closer.
Maybe that was just me. Maybe it was today. With Jackie.
You were all there too...but closer.
I wish to give all of myself away and only keep pieces of you in its place.
auntie em?
Once we get our hearts we won't notice the tin.
Katrina at 12:22 AM