

to do this year.

Smile more! Listen more intently. Watch a child discover something new. Do something totally silly ALL THE TIME! Take responsibility for all your actions. Make room for more new friends. Be free with compliments. Encourage someone every day. Tell people you love that you love them. Read. Call old friends. Have a cookout in the middle of winter. Be less critical of others. Volunteer for a good cause. Don't look for someone else to blame when you are unhappy. Learn from your everyday failures. worry less! Be quick to forgive others and learn to forgive yourself. Whatever you do, give it your best shot! Don't gossip. Accept help when it's offered. Bury your prejudices. Accept yourself for who you are. Treat yourself to something expensive or fattening occasionally! Learn a new dance. Be generous not only with money but with time. Challenge your body and your brain. Look at the big picture and don't sweat the small stuff! Watch the sunset and realize that just as no two sunsets are alike. Your moments are a unique and beautiful creation! Live your life this year in a way you can look back on it fondly and without regrets. Make this year a beginning to more years just like it...but somehow different.

Katrina at 5:05 PM



to do this year.

Smile more! Listen more intently. Watch a child discover something new. Do something totally silly ALL THE TIME! Take responsibility for all your actions. Make room for more new friends. Be free with compliments. Encourage someone every day. Tell people you love that you love them. Read. Call old friends. Have a cookout in the middle of winter. Be less critical of others. Volunteer for a good cause. Don't look for someone else to blame when you are unhappy. Learn from your everyday failures. worry less! Be quick to forgive others and learn to forgive yourself. Whatever you do, give it your best shot! Don't gossip. Accept help when it's offered. Bury your prejudices. Accept yourself for who you are. Treat yourself to something expensive or fattening occasionally! Learn a new dance. Be generous not only with money but with time. Challenge your body and your brain. Look at the big picture and don't sweat the small stuff! Watch the sunset and realize that just as no two sunsets are alike. Your moments are a unique and beautiful creation! Live your life this year in a way you can look back on it fondly and without regrets. Make this year a beginning to more years just like it...but somehow different.

Katrina at 5:05 PM