Fear and Anger can sit behind me for this one. also titled. I like taking pictures of dandelions.

I was having a tantrum today. It was silly. In the midst of it I threw my bankcard somewhere. As I began to regain my composure (I wasnt being completely nuts, just kinda.) I was looking everywhere for it, all over the house. Then I go to my kitchen begin to look in there...again. At this point I had been in there about 5 times already to look without success. I thought to myself 'I suppose some people have bad days everyday. I think I need to appreciate the fact that these days remind me of all of my good days.' I look to the left. Only to find what I've been looking for. It was right in front of me the whole time. I forgot to remember the outcome I thought I needed so badly. Now, its all about the journey. Not the start and finish. The middle. Where the filling is...
Katrina at 5:55 PM